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· One min read

Go beyond the software, automate hardware scenarios on Android Emulators.


On June 2019, I travelled to Bangalore to talk at AppiumConf 2019 on how to use Android Emulators features to test use cases scenarios where your applications may interact with the environment, like a user using his fingerprint, an incoming call or SMS received.

Using light sensor feature I drive the talk on how to integrate missing features provided by the Android Emulator into Appium.

it('uses light mode on high luminance', async () => {
await driver.lightSensor(40000);
let container = await driver.elementById("sensorContainer");
expect(await container.getAttribute('content-desc')).to.equal("#FFFFFF");
let textEl = await driver.elementById("sensorText");
expect(await textEl.getAttribute('content-desc')).to.equal("#000000");

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